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Walking In Love Ministries Global,

was founded By Robert Williamdyke on September 25, 2017. 

The Bible says in Habakkuk 2: 2 -"And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay". (ESV)


Ever since that time, Robert has not stopped writing the Vision that God gave to him. Part of that vision is to go into the world sharing with anyone who will listen about the Love of God.


Today, too many people have all but forgotten about the aspects of Love. We forget that the Bible tells us in John 3:16;17 "For God So Loved The World, that He Gave Us His Only Begotten Son, That Whosoever Believed In Him, Should Not Perrish, But Have Everlasting Life. vs 17: - For God Did Not Send His Son Into The World To Condemned The World, But That Through Him; The World Might Be Saved. There is so much in the passage that people miss about God's Love. 


That is the true story of God and His Love for everyone who will believe. Along with sharing the Love of God with all, we are helping as many people as possible proclaiming The Kingdom of God, and fulfilling the Great Commission.

 With the help of his wife, Karla, and the rest of the entire staff of WILMG and with all of our brothers and sisters who are overseas serving the Lord with those currently and those to come. To date, Walking In Love Ministries Global is proceeding forward with the call of that vision. 


We are going forth as evangelists, teachers, ministering, disciplining, and mentoring people abroad. We are involved in, church planting, caring for widows and orphans, and the youth, visiting those in jail, and providing a helping hand when and wherever we can. Along with our many partners and those with a servant's heart who are of the same kindred spirit. 

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    Nuestro enfoque es enseñar a otros cómo: Caminar en amor, conocer la verdad de Dios, ser liberados; camina libre, confía en Dios y ayuda a los demás.  


Estamos llegando a todo el mundo. Creemos en ser un ejemplo a seguir para los demás. Nuestro énfasis está en enseñar y esparcir AMOR a todos como Yeshua (Jesús) nos mandó hacer.

Enseñamos toda la Biblia (y no solo las partes que nos hacen llenarnos)sobredosis). También estamos comprometidos a asociarnos con nuestros líderes locales en nuestras comunidades locales. Alcance y suministro de ayuda a los encarcelados, las personas sin hogar, las viudas y los huérfanos.  


      Damos la bienvenida a personas de todas las etnias y razas para que se unan a nuestro viaje para enseñar a otros cómo caminar en el amor. Queremos crecer en la fe unos con otros en un acuerdo unificados como un solo cuerpo para nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. 

This is a little bit about us, we want to take this time and welcome people from all ethnicities and races to join us in this journey in teaching others how to walk in Love.

We are called to help teach, train, and grow in faith, and help to Unify the body of Believers for our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ. We are the ones who are blessed, we get to see how many people have the same type of heart who want to serve others, and who are not going to let fear or the adversary stop them from stepping up and out in faith to see others reach their full potential.

You can see some of these people in the pictures throughout the ministry. They work behind the scenes, and never ask to be in the spotlight but would rather give it to others and help them.

Thank you for all you do and those of you who are reading this might be wondering if you want to get involved.

That question is between you and the Father above.


Blessings and Shalom, 

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