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Excellent Women 



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August 8, 2024

August 8, 2024

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We invite all women everywhere to come and be part of Excellent Women. Here we can talk, pray, lift, build, and encourage one another as we become better in being the woman God created us to be and learn how to be the help-mate to our husbands and children that God intended us to be.

Join us as we learn from God's word and pursue the complete fulfillment and purpose we as Women are called to do in our personal, family, work, and church life as we step into our callings and surround our family in prayer being the Prayer Warriors God has called each of us to be. This is a call for all Women of Zion to come together as we sharpen each other in UNITY into what God has already intended for us to become.
Join Us Today, let's be Excellent Women. 
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