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Agape Center International

INIMA TAtălui 

Într-o zi după ce a petrecut timp în rugăciune și a cercetat scripturile, Duhul Sfânt a spus: „Inima Tatălui”. Din acel moment, a luat naștere această lucrare de sensibilizare. 

Se spune în 1 Ioan 3:17-2 „...vede pe fratele său în nevoie și își închide inima de la el, cum rămâne dragostea lui Dumnezeu în el?” 

Așa cum este menționat în Efeseni 6:6, „ cuserviciu de ochi, ca oameni-plăcuți, dar caslujitori a lui Hristos, făcând voia lui Dumnezeu din inimă...". 

Pentru Dumnezeu, tot ceea ce facem este conform inimii noastre. Lasă-l să intre timp de un minut.

VĂ RUGĂM SĂ REȚINEȚI - TOATE Programele Ministerului de Outreach enumerate aici și pe toate celelalte pagini, provin din aceasta.  După ce a petrecut timp în rugăciune.  Vedeți dacă unul sau mai multe este locul în care Domnul vă poate apăsa să vă ajutați în multe feluri. 



Orphan Outreach Center 

We want to be able to help as many Orpahans as possible, placing them in safe housing, giving them education, and a place to have food water, clothes, and other supplies, a place for them to go outside and have fun and a place to go to learn about God and His Love, Plus so much more...


Least of These "LOT"

"LOT" is our street evangelism team, who goes out to preach, teach, help, comfort, and do our best to help get these people off the streets. Lord help us to compel your people to come into the Kingdom. Remember whatever we do to these we have done to HIM. 


Widow Outreach 

We want to take care of our widows, many of them are hurting or lonely, some may need help to get things fixed, to move, some may need food, help with bills, and clothes, whatever we can do to bless these people we want to be there to help and in the process bring a smile and some love back to there home.  

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Joseph's Store House

God has placed it on our hearts to store up food, water, clothes, and supplies of other nature that will be needed. There is so much that can be stored up in these locations which will make it easy to move the right products to the right areas. 

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Saul-to-Paul Prison Min.

This is our Prison Ministry - Here we want to go where ever we can to talk to and teach them on days that we are allowed to be in these areas. Just as Jesus"Yeshua" reminded us to do. We would like to give them tracks or share some video or whatever we can do to help.

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Ralpha Medical Center 

Ralpha Medical Center is a place where Doctors, staff, and patients can come to be free to move in and exercise their Christian faith and Beliefs with medicine, where people can come and get the help they need.  

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