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Sa faavaeina le Walking In Love Ministries ia Setema 25, 2017, ma le faamoemoe e tasi o le faataunuuina o le faaaliga na tuuina mai e le Atua ia i tatou e o atu ai e faasalalau atu Lona Alofa i tagata uma ma fesoasoani e folafola le Malo o le Atua ma le Tofi Sili.

O loʻo matou o atu o ni Faievagelia, e aofia i le Aʻoaʻo ma le Faʻatonuina o tagata, totoina o le Ekalesia, tausia o fafine ua oti a latou tane ma tamaiti matuaoti, asiasi atu ia i latou o loʻo i le falepuipui, ma tuʻuina atu se lima fesoasoani i soʻo se taimi ma soʻo se mea tatou te mafaia.

That is the true story of God and His Love for everyone who will believe. Along with sharing the Love of God with all, we are helping as many people as possible proclaiming The Kingdom of God, and fulfilling the Great Commission.

 With the help of his wife, Karla, and the rest of the entire staff of WILMG and with all of our brothers and sisters who are overseas serving the Lord with those currently and those to come. To date, Walking In Love Ministries Global is proceeding forward with the call of that vision. 


We are going forth as evangelists, teachers, ministering, disciplining, and mentoring people abroad. We are involved in, church planting, caring for widows and orphans, and the youth, visiting those in jail, and providing a helping hand when and wherever we can. Along with our many partners and those with a servant's heart who are of the same kindred spirit. 

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   Matou te taulai atu i le aoaoina o isi i le ala e Savali ai i le Alofa. E tele atu mea e manaomia na i lo le iloaina o le afioga a le Atua. E tatau ona e ala i luga i aso uma ma filifili e savali i le alofa i aso uma, faafouina lou mafaufau, ma tumau le saolotoga aʻo faʻalagolago atoatoa i le Atua i mea uma. Ma pe a tatou o atu e fesoasoani i isi tagata, e le mafai ona tatou vaai atu ia i latou ma le taʻusalaina ma le faamasinoga ae nai lo se nofoaga o le alofa ma le agaalofa o le a vaaia ia tatou aso uma savali.  


O loʻo matou aapa atu i tagata uma i le lotoifale, faʻalotoifale, ma faavaomalo. Matou te Talitonu i le avea aio se faataitaiga mo isi e mulimuli ai. Matou te faamamafa atu aʻoaʻo atu ma faʻasalalau atu le ALOFA o le Atua i tagata uma, e pei ona poloaʻi mai ai Iesu (Iesu)na matou faia.

Matou te aʻoaʻoina le Tusi Paia atoa (ae lē na o vaega e te maua ai le fiafia). Matou te tuuto atu foi e faipaaga ma taitai i le lotoifale i totonu o nuu. Tuuina atu fesoasoani ia i latou o loo i le falepuipui, o e leai ni aiga, o fafine ua oti a latou tane, o tamaiti matuaoti, ma i latou e le tagolima.  


    _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136fesoasoani i matou i lenei malaga i le ea o le a'oa'oga i Wecfnic. Ua valaauina i tatou e fesoasoani e aoao, aoao, ma tuputupu ae i le faatuatua, ma fesoasoani e Tuufaatasi le tino o le au Faatuatua mo lo tatou Alii ma le Faaola o Iesu Kerisot. 

This is a little bit about us, we want to take this time and welcome people from all ethnicities and races to join us in this journey in teaching others how to walk in Love.

We are called to help teach, train, and grow in faith, and help to Unify the body of Believers for our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ. We are the ones who are blessed, we get to see how many people have the same type of heart who want to serve others, and who are not going to let fear or the adversary stop them from stepping up and out in faith to see others reach their full potential.

You can see some of these people in the pictures throughout the ministry. They work behind the scenes, and never ask to be in the spotlight but would rather give it to others and help them.

Thank you for all you do and those of you who are reading this might be wondering if you want to get involved.

That question is between you and the Father above.


Blessings and Shalom, 

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