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Who We Are

Believers of YESHUA, "JESUS CHRIST"!


Walking In Love Ministries Global- An Evangelistic, Preaching, and Teaching, Global Outreach Ministry. 


What Are We About?  

We are a Group of Believers in God's Only Son, Yeshua, "Jesus Christ". We are about Loving People, and caring for people one soul at a time.  


Our Mission:   

To Preach, Teach, and Share God's  Whole Word, His Love, His Plan of Redemption, Salvation, and His Soon Coming Kingdom. 

Our Vision:   

To Proclaim, The WAY to Yeshua, By Daily showing His Way of Love. Walking It Out, Through His Word, With the Help of the Holy Spirit, One Step at A Time. 


Our Trust:   

Our trust Will always be in God, His timing, and His Open Doors. For He alone supplies all of our needs. 


How Will This Get Accomplished:

We are stepping out in faith, trusting Yeshua for everything. We are following His original plan, to go out and declare His word. To preach repentance and salvation by telling everyone that will listen, about His soon coming again, even to the outer parts of the earth. Along the way, we will help as many as we can, being the best stewards of what we have, with what we are given. No Matter a Person's Race or Ethnicity, Color, Creed, Nationality, or Education. We are here with our hearts open wide, and our hands on the plow. For we are running the race set before us, and we are not looking back, and we will never quit.  


Headquarter Location:  

We are currently looking for a large enough area for our headquarters to be based in Tallapoosa, Georgia. This area will have plenty of acres to run a Global Ministry, Prayer Center, Church, and School for orphans, where children are taught from the word of God. A Recreation Center for all types of sports, a Local Thrift Store to provide items in need, land big enough to grow our food, an amphitheater to host large events and fundraisers, and enough acres to provide nearby housing for staff. This area will also need to provide offsite nearby locations for several housing homes for Widows and the Homeless, and other things that are in the plans. This will give us the ability to lay the main blueprint for the other 70 locations to work from and will function as a similar model. Some may not be as big as others, but the idea is to have enough room at each location so that we can create an enormous impact across the world for Yeshua, Jesus Christ.  


Already Getting Started:   

Since September 25, 2017. We have been slowly moving forward. Currently, we are working with our legal team and advisors in laying the legal, spiritual & physical foundations. There will be 7 Regions in total with 10 Districts in each Region. Region 2, will be housed and headquartered in Tallapoosa, Georgia.  Region 4, will be our first International District and is currently underway in Kisii, Keyna. Our focus is to get these two Regions up and running before moving on to the other Regions which are all yielding incredible interest.  



Make No mistake, this can only be done by God's will and according to His plans. We all have to do our part. We Must seek God daily and His Righteousness, and then all of these other things will be added. We are not here to get rich or take advantage of anyone's money. We are here to do the work of the Lord. Our soon coming King. 


We MUST continue to spend a lot of time in prayer, as prayer must be at the forefront of everything we do. We are planning an hour-long global prayer service, which will be held once a month for our partners and friends to freely join in praying for Israel, and our needs and to lift the needs of others across the globe.  


We Must Continue to Listen, and follow Yeshua's Voice and Leading, as He, the Holy Spirit, Leads, Guides, and Tells us of things to come. 



We Must, No Matter What, Continue to Trust and Rely Completely on Yeshua for Everything. 



By God's will and direction, we will set up District Centers in strategic areas across the globe. Each Director at these established locations will have a Spirit-Filled Minister not afraid of accountability with experience in preaching and teaching. Each Director will have their own approved staff and aids to help them. They will set up nearby home cells so they can grow their area, and provide classes where students will have the ability to have daily devotions and learn how to preach, teach, sing, and evangelize God's Word in its fullness.  



 Also, we will help to develop livable locations to house and have programs for widows and orphans and create local "HUBS" which will be fully equipped with water, food, clothing, and emergency shelters, along with having a place to go to school, have access to medical and learn technical skills. We will help with installing solar power, wind tunnels, clean filtered water, and other natural resources to keep driving costs down and install state-of-the-art equipment to achieve these goals. Whereby they will be free and independent and have the means and ability to help others in need.  Exodus 22:22;   Zechariah 7:9-10; Psalms 82:3


Our Prayer for Israel:

 We Pray and Trust in God to raise up young men and women who are God-fearing leaders, who are not afraid to stand up and do the right thing, and, who will support and pray continually for the peace of Israel.

Psalms 122;  Daniel 2:21;  Psalms 75:6-8;  


Do you want to step out & help?

All who want to take part can & should share God's love and His plan for salvation with those who will hear his word & repent. We are not looking for the called, NO, we are looking for those that are chosen and appliable, who are hungry, humble, and who have humility and want to serve and help God's people by stepping out and helping. 1Peter 4:10-11;  Matthew 22:14;  Mark 16:15-16; Philemon 1:6;

How you and others can help: 

If you or anyone you know might be willing to help. First, pray before you do anything. Second, if you are still at peace, then please let us know. But only if you have peace and believe this is where God is leading you. If you decide to Step-Out and join us. We would be happy to hear from you and we will sit down with you or schedule a Zoom meeting and see if our interests align and if it is a good fit for each of us. Psalms 73:24; Amos 3:3; Philippians 4:6-7


All donations or gifts sent to Walking In Love Ministries Global, go to support this ministry in full and all of its efforts across the Globe. If the Lord presses upon your heart to give and you have prayed and still have peace, Please let us know. For we all know that God loves a cheerful giver. Please Note **We will not beg anyone about joining this Ministry, nor will we beg you for your money. ** We will offer you a storehouse to tithe into but that is it.  Malachi 3:10; Hebrews 12:14; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7Matthew 10:8;


 Why Start Fundraising:

Imagine, for one minute all across the world if we would all take one hour out of our busy year to come together and unite to walk in love. How different would that world be?  We are currently doing all that we can to establish just that. To help our efforts we will start by hosting a local 3 Mile, Walk-In-Love-A-Thon, At the Walking In Love Ministries Global Headquarters. This three-mile walk can be done anywhere and completed in less than an hour and can be done at different locations across the globe.  All of the funds raised will go to help support the ongoing efforts to see this vision come to pass. For we know that in Him and by Him all things are possible to those who believe. Mark 9:23Habakkuk 2:2-3Ephesians 5:1-2;


How to Contact Us:  

If you wish or would like to talk to us more about our phases and plans, you can always send a private message, by clicking here.  

From all of us here at,

Walking In Love Ministries Global,  


We Thank you, 


Blessings & Shalom 


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