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Walking In Love Ministries 成立于 2017 年 9 月 25 日,其唯一目的是实现上帝给我们的异象,去向所有人传播祂的爱,并帮助宣扬上帝的国度和大使命。


That is the true story of God and His Love for everyone who will believe. Along with sharing the Love of God with all, we are helping as many people as possible proclaiming The Kingdom of God, and fulfilling the Great Commission.

 With the help of his wife, Karla, and the rest of the entire staff of WILMG and with all of our brothers and sisters who are overseas serving the Lord with those currently and those to come. To date, Walking In Love Ministries Global is proceeding forward with the call of that vision. 


We are going forth as evangelists, teachers, ministering, disciplining, and mentoring people abroad. We are involved in, church planting, caring for widows and orphans, and the youth, visiting those in jail, and providing a helping hand when and wherever we can. Along with our many partners and those with a servant's heart who are of the same kindred spirit. 

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   我们专注于教别人如何走在爱中。它需要的不仅仅是了解上帝的话语。你必须每天醒来,决定每天走在爱中,更新你的思想,保持自由,同时在所有事情上完全相信上帝。然后,当我们出去帮助其他人时,我们不能以谴责和判断的眼光看待他们,而是要从我们日常生活中看到的爱和同情心 走。  


我们正在接触当地、国内和国际上的所有人。我们相信成为其他人效法的榜样。我们强调 教导和传播上帝的爱给所有人,作为耶稣(耶稣)的命令编我们做。



      我们欢迎来自不同种族和种族的人们加入我们这个在爱中教导他人的旅程。我们被召唤来帮助教导、训练和信仰成长,并帮助统一 the 我们的主和救世主耶稣基督的信徒团体t. 

This is a little bit about us, we want to take this time and welcome people from all ethnicities and races to join us in this journey in teaching others how to walk in Love.

We are called to help teach, train, and grow in faith, and help to Unify the body of Believers for our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ. We are the ones who are blessed, we get to see how many people have the same type of heart who want to serve others, and who are not going to let fear or the adversary stop them from stepping up and out in faith to see others reach their full potential.

You can see some of these people in the pictures throughout the ministry. They work behind the scenes, and never ask to be in the spotlight but would rather give it to others and help them.

Thank you for all you do and those of you who are reading this might be wondering if you want to get involved.

That question is between you and the Father above.


Blessings and Shalom, 

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